The challenges of automating delivery logistics in e-commerce - Oradel
Dependence and connectivity in the manufacturing industry
3 August, 2020
USMCA creates opportunities at Mexico’s northern border
3 August, 2020

The challenges of automating delivery logistics in e-commerce

Several industries shut down due to COVID-19 quarantine regulations, however others saw an upswing in their services as they automated their logistics processes and adopted e-commerce as a tool.

According to Jorge Sánchez, vice president of Blue Yonder, the challenge facing supply chains today triggered many companies to turn to automation as the solution. Stock analysis focused specifically on e-commerce has been a challenge, as the increase in demand depends on the method of delivery, the place where the product will be stored, and even the exact location where the product will be stored in the warehouse. 

Transportation presents the next challenge. Many companies have employed artificial intelligence services to predict inventory handling, reduce delivery times, program and incorporate new automation equipment in warehouses, all in order to provide more information and allow logistics companies to offer a better service. 

Due to the global situation created by the pandemic, retail companies that already had an e-commerce network had to optimize information on product pricing, delivery times and goods distribution locations almost immediately.

As manufacturing plants closed, the companies that realized that they did not have real-time supply-chain information worked to act, trying to predict what would happen in the short term and automated several of their processes. 

Oradel Industrial Center has industrial buildings that can be used for goods manufacturing, logistics and storage, and as our industrial park is on the NAFTA superhighway, there’s immediate access to both the Mexican and United States markets. 

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